Be your own kind of Beautiful

What does this word even mean? How do we describe beauty? There are no two people in the world that look exactly the same, unless they are twins, so how can you compare beauty from one person to the next? beau·ti·ful ˈbyo͞odəfəl/ adjective pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically. "beautiful poetry" synonyms: attractive , pretty , handsome , good-looking , alluring , prepossessing ; More of a very high standard; excellent. This is the definition of beautiful as said politically correct from the English dictionary but my question is who made this stigma of what makes a beautiful woman? Is it just her exterior that makes her "pleasing to the eyes" or can it also be her soul that is radiating through her aura that creates a shining glow that surrounds her? As a young girl when she hears the word beautiful the mind always goes to that "it" girl or model type female. But ...