
It is amazing how the sound of rain hitting the window with the rumble of the earth behind it can make you feel so differently in that single moment. The way it takes over your emotions and can turn something into a whole new level. That is the same feeling I get when she touches me. The rain drops glisten all over my body. The roaring thunder explodes throughout every single nerve ending making my skin so sensitive to the touch. If you could imagine a stream flowing wildly, crashing over rocks, effortlessly through the path of earth it was created for, that is how my blood pulsates within my body. My heart races, my chest rises and my breath is faster than what I can keep up with. She takes my emotions into a romantic novel that you think you can only read about and never really feel. She is my country love song. You know what I am talking about. You hear the twang and the love that makes you sick to your stomach, wanting to gag because you know that relationships really are not like that. I found that song. I live it every single day. I never thought I would be so lucky to have someone as loyal and beautiful as she, but I am.
Those eyes. God her eyes. She said to me that when I look at her it is though I am looking into her soul. I was. I could see the truth. I seen my future. The vision of her chest being ripped open so my heart could lay upon hers was the only way I could express where I wanted to be. I can't get close enough. When she holds me there is a sense of peace, a warm place I call home. She is everywhere I want to be. I could not imagine a day without hearing her laugh. I do everything in my power to make her smile every chance I get. It is so sad that even when she is angry or mad at me, which is not often, she is still the most beautiful piece of art I have ever laid eyes on. Every one on this earth has their human. Their person they are meant to be with, to laugh with and to grow old with. I found mine. I have her.
Her lips. So soft. I can't kiss them enough. I run my tongue lightly over hers. It has never felt more perfect than what it feels with her. How have I been able to go through so many years of kissing other lips. How did I not know what it was really supposed to feel like. If only I could of kissed them sooner. The first time, I will never forget. The night was dark. I didn't think she would really want to meet me under the streetlight but I parked there anyways, waiting, my heart beating out of my chest. She turned the corner and parked across from me. When she got out of her jeep and started walking towards me I felt all of my senses go numb. There she was. I have dreamed of this day for such a long time. She was coming towards me in her sexy uniform. God she looked fucking sexy. We talked for a minute. Did not seem awkward at all. It was so easy. I know I came off shy. I know that if we were back in grade school I would of been the girl with my head down unable to look her in the face. That is what she did to me. She was too good to be true and she was right there. She noticed the perfume I had just bought that day laying on my passenger seat. Of course I wanted her to smell it, on me. She leaned in... so smooth, so slow. Her hair in my face as I could feel her breathe into my neck. Taking me in, every bit of me. I could not help but raise my hand and touch her so lightly on the face as she was making the sexiest noise ever enjoying my scent. Her face turned into mine and that is when I felt the lips that I wanted to kiss for the rest of my life.
I found the thunder that was needed to complete my storm.


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