To my beautiful daughter with love

I'm not sure how life has passed by so quickly but I know that my love for you has grown immensely since the day I knew you were growing inside of me. It's been almost 20 years that I've had the pleasure of being your mother. I've watched you learn to walk, heard you speak your first words, enjoyed the many chapters of watching you grow into this amazing young woman.  I've been blessed with one of the most beautiful souls that has been created for this thing we call life.
To say you didn't have hard times would be a lie. You endured pain and loss in your young life that most will never understand. The strength that you hold within yourself is nothing short of amazing. You have pulled through some of the hardest times. You have pulled me out of moments I never thought I would overcome.  You have always been more than my child, you have been my entire life, my strength and my reason to keep going even when I didn't have the will to. You have watched me break into a million pieces and somehow helped me put them all back together no matter how broken they were.
I appreciate the love and support you have always shown me. The relationship we have has always been and will always be the epitome of strength, courage and unconditional love. 
I have always been proud to be your mother. Even in the hard times that tested our bond. There will always be no question to the love that we hold in our hearts for each other.
I know I have not always been perfect. I don't even think I would be satisfied if I was considered the perfect mother. I only want what's best for you.  A future and life you have always dreamed of. You are full of more light and intelligence than any other human being I know. You are every part of me and it makes me so happy to see you have taken the love and lessons I have always tried to instill in you and make them even more special than what I believe I hold in myself.
Growing up with a broken family and things that a little girl should never have to experience made me want to give you even more than I thought I was able to. But watching you now, as you're older, I believe I did everything I could to raise someone so special. You have a light that shines so bright inside of you. I know sometimes you forget, maybe you don't believe it or see it, but I see every time I look into your eyes. I see your heart, your sincerity,  your strength,  your passion and your soul that is so pure and beautiful.  Even though I have done my job and released you to spread your wings and experience a life of learning and growing on your own I know I did a great job and it shows within you.
Sometimes we feel lost, abandoned and not worth the life we are givin. I know you have those thoughts and feelings more than I think you should. My only wish for you is to always look into the mirror and see the beauty you are and the beauty and love you have within you to share with the world. I worry at times that you don't give yourself the credit that you truly deserve. But I know, as so do many others, everything you are capable of achieving in this life. As long as you believe it I am sure you will conquer and over excel in anything that your heart desires.
I want you to know how proud I am of you. How blessed I feel to have been able to share this life with you. How complete you have made my life just having you beside me. You are my reason, for living, for breathing and for always knowing I am able to keep pushing as long as you are a part of my life.
From the moment I first held you in my arms I felt what love really was. I loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you.  The moment I kissed your tiny hands. The moment I held you and felt like my heart was going to explode. I never knew how much you could love a human being until I met you. You are everything I ever wanted. I always knew i would have a baby girl but I never knew really how much I  needed you until I had you.
You saved my life. I had no self confidence,  I had no desire to grow up and make my my life better. I never thought I would ever be loved.
Then I  became your mommy.  You needed me. You depended on me. You trusted me. You loved me. The bond was strong instantly. It was unreal how easy it was to love you.
I cherish all the memories we have made. The good and the bad. The laughter, the cuddles, laying in bed and just listening to music as I rubbed your hair. Singing the same song over and over and feeling the intensity of our voices colliding as one. The comfort we felt between each other. Talking about serious things all the way to silly things that did not matter. Learning each other together. Growing together. Experiencing life, death and heartache while standing strong beside each other pulling each other through.
Thank you.  Thank you for always being understanding and patient with me. Thank you for listening to my heart and trying to see why I was the way I was with you. I sometimes regret not allowing you to be a kid and doing the things your friends were doing but then I remember how amazing you have turned out and it makes me realize I was only doing what I thought was best, to keep you safe, to keep you innocent and to shield you from all the pressure and pain that other kids had to learn at such a young age.
Our conversations have always been true and open and I am so grateful for that. I will never take a hug, a kiss, and our love for granted for as long as I am here to receive it all. You are a piece of me that will live on long after my time on this earth is over. I hope you know that one day when I am gone I will always be your angel watching over you and protecting you as much as I am able. I will always be by your side. I will always believe in you. I will always love you more than I will ever love another human being. You will always be my baby and my best creation. Even when I'm not here I hope you continue to make me proud and walk in my footsteps full of love and light. Always smile, always love with all your heart and most importantly always love yourself.
I love you my sweet baby girl.
Always and forever
Mommy ❤


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