When my angel stopped by

I believe in angels. I believe that there are angels walking the earth with us. We see them, we look past them, we ignore them but they are there. Everywhere.
I worked with my father for a long time. We would go to accounts together and that gave us a lot of time to talk and bond. One day we were walking up to a building and while still in the parking lot this butterfly stayed close by and followed us all the way up to the door. We both thought it was really awesome but kept going about our business. We were working with the contractors for about an hour, if not longer. When we were leaving the butterfly was still by the door.
My dad chuckled.
"It waited for us."
I just smiled as I stared at it amazed that it was so close and still there.
After a minute or so of standing there looking at this beautiful creature and talking about it we started back to the truck.
The looks on our faces were identical as we realized the butterfly was tagging along.
I am sure you could just imagine how we were feeling at this time.Who gets the blessing of being visited by such a delicate spirit and noticing the meaning behind it.
My father looked at me and said
"You know what this means right?"
I was honest with my reply as I admitted I did not know.
"I believe butterflies are spirits of loved ones that we have lost that are coming back to visit us."
I always believed everything my dad told me but this was something I always wanted to believe.
This lesson was one that I would never forget.
"I will come back and visit you one day just like that."
As he said those words the tears started flowing without any control.
"I don't want to talk about that."
I always made it clear that I would never be able to live without my father. There was no way I could live on this earth and not have him here with me.
A few years went by and even though this was a memory I would never forget it was also a memory I never really thought of.
My father died a few years after this incident.
I lost my best friend.
I lost myself.
I lost my mind.
He died in December of 2009. I laid in bed for days. Maybe even months.
I was a horrible mother and girlfriend.
I had no desire to live let alone love.
Even though I felt like my life had came to an end life kept going.
The spring after my father passed away the family and I went to have a picnic at a lake about thirty minutes away from where we lived. We had a good time. The kids were playing.
Life was happening beyond my control or belief that it would be able to.
I was feeling a type of way, almost being happy and a bit of guilt took over.
How can I be happy when my dad is gone?
That is not okay.
I went for a walk along the beach.
I heard someone yelling behind me.
"Don't move, there is something on you."
If you know me at all you would know that I HATE BUGS.
I instantly wanted to freak out thinking I had something creepy on me.
But the sounds that everyone was making around me gave me a different kind of feeling.
"There is a butterfly on your back!"
At first I didn't think much of it. I just wanted to see it. Of course the cameras came out.
Thank God for cell phones.
This beautiful insect started to crawl up my back and on to my shoulder.
Who gets to have a butterfly sit on their shoulder?
Like that is not a crazy thing to witness, he began to walk up my neck and onto my cheek.
Everyone around me was freaking out as no one has ever seen anything like this before.
Then I heard the words that hit me on a totally different level.
"Oh My God! It is your daddy!!"
My emotions took over as it hit me.
He kept his promise. He said he was going to come back and see me.
As soon as the words came out of  her mouth my father started to flap his wings excitedly while staying on my cheek.
"Butterfly kisses."
A new meaning to the song. I really got them.
He stayed on my face for quite some time.
I was afraid to move.
I had a crowd of people around me, people I knew and complete strangers.
We decided we wanted to go and show him off.
We all left and went over to my friends fathers house about ten minutes away.
I got out of the car, I was anticipating him flying away.
But he did not.
I walked into the house and showed everyone my special visitor.
Everyone pretty much had the same reaction. No one could really believe what they were seeing. But here I was walking around and hanging out with a butterfly stuck to my face. After a while we decided it was time to go home. He wasn't trying to fly away so we took him with us.
When I got into the car I decided to put my finger up to him and see if I could put him on my leg. Everyone else was getting to look at him, I wanted to see him too.
To my amazement he did not hesitate to get on my finger as I moved him to my leg.
I just kept crying. My emotions were all over the place as I was trying to take it all in. Not only did this butterfly land on me but it never left me. He was with me for over an hour by the time we had pulled into the driveway.
There was a part of me that did not want to get out of the car.
I didn't want to let him go.
I opened the door and dropped my finger in front of him.
Of course he got on.
I mean, why wouldn't he!
I put him in the bush in front of the house and watched as it seemed like he turned to look at me.
"Spread your wings daddy so I can have a picture of you."
He did.
The tears kept falling.
I took so many pictures of him.
"Thank you for keeping your promise. I never forgot."
"I love you so much daddy."
I know that was my father. There is nobody that would be able to ever convince me otherwise. He promised me he would come visit me and he did.
I thought I was lucky that I had a father that loved me so much while living.
But how lucky was I to have so much love after death.
It gave me so much hope.
It brought me peace.
At that moment I knew that even though he was not physically in front of me he meant it when he told me he would never leave me.
He had the most beautiful wings.
He gave me the best memory.
That was the day my angel stopped by.


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