To my one and only seeester

Over twenty years ago this girl walked into my life and made one of the biggest impacts on me. She was tiny. She was a bitch (and proud of it), she was feisty and she was absolutely beautiful. From the first day I met her we connected on a level that I never had with anyone else. She took me under her wing and never dropped me. She taught me things, she confided in me, she trusted me, she guided me, she stood up for me, she accepted me and most importantly she loved me. She loved me with all of her heart and nothing ever changed that.
I have so many things I can say about her but there are so many things to focus on just one.
She was not afraid to speak her mind. If she believed something and she thought you needed to know then you better brace yourself because heartache or not she was going to say it. Maybe it was something she just did with me. Maybe it was tough love. Maybe she just didn't give a shit. Whatever the reason was, I respected her. I looked up to her. I fucking loved her.
One day I came home from school upset that a girl was messing with me and wanted to fight me. I was not very confident or even close to being a fighter. I am and always have been a lover with a huge heart. Make love not war kind of attitude. She wasn't having that shit. She was almost laughing as she was explaining that I was pretty much a giant and there is no way in hell I should be intimidated or afraid of anyone. She showed me how to make a fist and she punched me a few times. Shit hurt. For being a little one she was strong as hell. "You better stand up for yourself and beat that bitch down!" There was no other option. That day came. No one ever messed with me again. I was never afraid again. She was so proud of me. She just kept saying "See! I told you!" She loved being right.
I wasn't a very girly girl. I was a daddy's girl with a big brother. My dad put me in flannels and ponytails. She changed that. She dressed me and showed me the big sister ropes on how to be a girly girl and do my make up and hair. "If you want to have big hair you need to use lots of product." She was so smart.
I watched her go through so much. She would call me crying all the time and needing someone to talk to or come and pick her up. I was always there to pick up the pieces. I was always on her side. I didn't care what repercussions that meant, she meant more to me then what ever could of followed.
After twenty, or so, years went by things changed. I was supposed to change to way I felt. But that couldn't happen. We were too close. We loved each other too much. The bond was too strong.
She helped me when my father died and in return I was there for her when hers passed away.
Everyone that talks about her or knows her could see that light that surrounded her. Her smile alone was inviting and full of life.
She loved her son so much. She was a wonderful mother. One of the best I know. They had a relationship that was comparable to my father and I. I knew that love. I respected it. She cherished it. He was her entire world.
When I got the call my body went numb. My emotions were all over the place. I had no words.
How in the hell does someone so wonderful get taken so early in life. I have never, in all the years I knew her, seen her as happy as I did these last 3 years. She found what all of us look for. She had her entire future ahead of her with the perfect man who supported her and protected her, cherished her for everything she was and most importantly loved her. He loved her exactly the way she deserved. I was so happy for her. I remember her telling me that one of the reasons she loved this man was because he reminded her so much of her father. I believe her father sent him to her because he knew how much she needed him. She found her soul mate. She made the most beautiful bride. She married the love of her life and everyone that knew her seen it written all over her face. She was important to so many people. She was so important to me.
They say that God only picks the most beautiful flowers for his garden. He got one of the best. I would say that his garden is complete now.
I can sit here and feel sorry for myself for how much I miss her and how mad I am that she had to go, so tragically and quickly but there are other people involved in this horrible nightmare. Her husband and son are feeling it the most. Not one of us can compare to the confusion, sadness and utter devastation that they are going through. I can only ask that everyone takes a minute and prays for both of them. It is never easy having to say good-bye but its even harder when you don't get to.
She was a lot of things to a lot of  people.
 I could cry to everyone and make it all about my feelings in the entire situation. But she didn't like that shit. I wasn't the only one who loved her. I am not the only one going to miss her. I sure wasn't the only life she ever touched and made lasting impressions. But there is one thing I had that no one else will ever take from me. I had the most amazing seester. I love you forever and ever and ever and ever.


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