
Showing posts from March, 2018

When my angel stopped by

I believe in angels. I believe that there are angels walking the earth with us. We see them, we look past them, we ignore them but they are there. Everywhere. I worked with my father for a long time. We would go to accounts together and that gave us a lot of time to talk and bond. One day we were walking up to a building and while still in the parking lot this butterfly stayed close by and followed us all the way up to the door. We both thought it was really awesome but kept going about our business. We were working with the contractors for about an hour, if not longer. When we were leaving the butterfly was still by the door. My dad chuckled. "It waited for us." I just smiled as I stared at it amazed that it was so close and still there. After a minute or so of standing there looking at this beautiful creature and talking about it we started back to the truck. The looks on our faces were identical as we realized the butterfly was tagging along. I am sure you could j...

Unexplained Feelings

em·path ˈempaTH/ noun (chiefly in science fiction) a person with the paranormal ability to apprehend the mental or emotional state of another individual I have always been the overly sensitive kind of human. I will cry at commercials. I can't stand to see anyone being hurt or tortured. I refuse watching anything where an animal is being harmed. You know those videos on facebook where the animal is being rescued from some kind of human cruelty, even though you know at the end the dog is going to being doing amazing with a better life and a family, I still can not watch it. My heart can not take the emotions that flow through my body. I don't understand why there are people out there that could hurt another living thing. I can not wrap my mind around it. I say things without thinking sometimes. My friend was standing in my office and she was crying about different things going on in her life. I allowed her to get everything out as I cried with he...

Sometimes only paper will listen to you

Writing can be such an amazing escape. Not only from reality but also into a brand new discovery of another life. People can write for so many different reasons. Some like to take you into a different land of imagination and make believe. Others use it to get lost in romance and emotions. There are all kinds of ways to grab the attention of the reader. The words. It is all in the words, the meaning behind them and the passion that makes them come alive. I write for something totally different. I need to heal. I have an emotional explosion of my life and writing is my way of letting it all out. There is a sense of safety that consumes me when I allow my thoughts, my fears and my pain unfold. When I share my demons and my history I take that chance of shame and ridicule to find me. But no matter what I may receive from another there is nothing worth the weight that is lifted from my heart and soul when I release it into the universe. Today I was referred to as an angel. Not your ...