When the past should be left alone.

There are probably going to be many opinions about this post but this one is mine. Through your life you make memories, alone, with family and people that were once a big part of your life. All of these memories make you who you are today through the good the bad and the ugly. Some memories cause you to smile with happiness that was felt in that moment, some cause you tears from the pain and emotion that still feels so real, others make you cringe wishing you could erase the entire chapter. When things come up that make you remember something or someone it's hard to make heads or tails of why it's important enough for conversation. There are specifics that are controversial for many people. An ex. A lover that once was. Someone who at one point was a thought that was going to be forever. When you move on to another relationship you know that the past will always be in your thoughts. But at what point should the past...